Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All You Need To Know About Astral Projection

What is Astral Projection?

"What this power is I cannot say, all I know is that it Exists" - Alexander Graham Bell
Astral Projection is an interpretation of out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it. Astral projection is simply the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in the astral plane.

The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religions of the afterlife in which the consciousness' or soul's journey is described in such terms as an "out-of body experience", as the spiritual traveler leaves the physical body and travels in his/her astral body into ‘higher’ realms. It is frequently reported a spontaneously experience in association with sleep and dreams, illness, surgical operations, drug experiences, sleep paralysis and forms of meditation.

How to Astral Project?

The Rope Technique:

I have included this technique because I find it to be one of the easiest techniques around. The speed at which it works is very surprising. Also this method does not require the ability to visualize.

This projection method will give you an astral projection. The duration of this projection, in real time, will depend on the level of chakra development and energy flow you have attained (for more about chakras click here).

As with all the techniques described, a deep level of relaxation is required.

Getting the feel of the Rope:

Pin a length of ribbon, string or rope to the ceiling above you. Have it hanging within arms reach so you can easily reach up and touch it. Reach out and touch it frequently, until you are used to where it is in your mind. This ribbon is only a tactile aide. By being able to reach out and touch the ribbon, you used to the spatial coordinates of where the invisible, imaginary ROPE is. This grows both in your mind and hence as a thought form, making it easier to imagine yourself reaching out and climbing the ROPE with your imaginary HANDS.

Note: You do NOT have to actually visualize, or see, the ROPE at any time, just know where it is supposed to be. This method uses NO visualization at all.Reaching out and pulling on this invisible, imaginary ROPE with your imaginary HANDS shifts the bodily awareness induced point of consciousness, out of the body, with a strong natural action that puts direct pressure on one point of the astral body.

The Technique:

   1.  Do a relaxation exercise thoroughly, until you are completely settled. This should only take a few minutes, don't overdo it.

   2.  Reach out with your imaginary HANDS and pull yourself, hand over hand, up the strong, invisible, imaginary ROPE hanging above you. Try and imagine the feel of a strong, thick, coarse rope in your HANDS.

You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside you as you do this, specifically in your upper torso. This is caused by exerting dynamic pressure on the astral body. The dizzy sensation comes from the astral body loosening. This feeling of vertigo will intensify the more you pull on the rope.

Very Important Note (1): This dizzy feeling and any feelings of pressure or vertigo, etc, caused by your mental action of pulling on the ROPE MUST be carefully noted by you. Learn the EXACT mental action you are doing to cause this vertigo. You will have to train your mental climbing action to cause this feeling. So, the first few times you try this ROPE method, concentrate on finding the right mental action to do this. Once you learn what it is you are doing to cause this, and can recreate it at will, you are really starting to get somewhere.

Very Important Note (2): IGNORE *ALL* SENSATION YOU FEEL DURING PROJECTION or it will distract you, break your concentration, and ruin your chances for projection. Concentrate on the single act of climbing your ROPE to the TOTAL exclusion of everything else. Put everything you have into this one action, but don't tense up, it must be all mental.

   3.  Keep climbing, hand over hand, ever upwards, and you will feel the heavy sensation come over you. The pressure you are exerting on your astral body will force you into the trance state. Ignore this when it happens and concentrate on what you are doing.

   4.  Keep climbing and you will feel your chakras open in response to the pressure, don't stop.

   5.  Next you will feel the vibrations start, your whole body will seem to be vibrating and you will feel paralyzed  Concentrate, single minded, on climbing your rope, don't stop.

   6.  Next you will feel yourself coming free of your body. You will buzz slightly as you feel yourself coming out of your body. You will exit your body in the direction of your imaginary rope and will be hovering above your body. You're free at last!

Note: Do *NOT* allow yourself to break concentration when the vibrations start. They are a natural effect caused by energy coursing through all the hundreds of major and minor chakras in your body. If you do find yourself being distracted by this, spend more time doing concentration exercises until you overcome this problem.

Good Luck =D

The Lift / Roll Out Technique:

This is probably the most popular projection technique around. This will also give an astral projection. The duration of this projection, in real time, will depend on the level of chakra development and energy flow you have attained.

As with all the techniques described, a deep level of relaxation is required. Once you have reached a very deep level of relaxation, you must then use your powers of visualization. Simply imagine yourself floating upwards out of your body. Tell yourself all the time how nice it is to do this, how pleasant, how great it would be to be floating out of the body. Continue to image this floating feeling.

It often helps to to imagine an aid or accessory to this floating process. For instance, you may imagine hundreds of small birds all flying up and pulling their own little pieces of string which are all attached to your non-physical body. All the time they are pulling you gently out of the physical body. You can use any adaptation to this - what ever helps you imagine that you are floating up.

As you imagine this, you will feel the vibrations beginning - IGNORE them totally. Simply continue to imagine yourself floating upwards.

After a relatively short while you will feel yourself come free of the physical body. This is often quite a sudden sensation as the non-physical body breaks free of the physical body. The only analogy I can think of as to describe this feeling would be how a 'glob' in a lava lamp would feel like - it's been trying to go up for a while and the pressure has been gradually getting greater, and then suddenly it breaks away and floats gently up and away. You will then find yourself outside your physical body.

A common variation on this technique is the roll out method. This is very similar, except that instead of imagining that you are floating upward, imagine that you are rolling sideways out of your body. Feel yourself gently rocking from side to side. Very slowly at first, but gradually building the momentum until eventually you will reach that critical point where you will actually break free from, and actually roll out of, your physical body.

The Anchor Technique:

This is another popular technique, which produces an astral projection.

The basis of this method is to focus on an anchor point outside of the physical body. There are two basic variations to this technique - the fixed anchor, and the moving anchor.

As with all the techniques described, a deep level of relaxation is required.

Once you have reached a very deep level of relaxation, you must then use your powers of visualization.

The Fixed Anchor:

Although not mentioned as frequently as the moving anchor technique, I find this the easier of the two methods.

After reaching the relaxation state, focus on a point outside of the physical body (e.g. at the end of the bed). You can either simply focus on a point in space, or you can (and I find this much easier) imagine an object at that point (it usually helps if it is a familiar object.

Once you can clearly see the focus point in your minds eye, 'feel' how solid it is. Try pushing it around with your mind, try pulling it, or moving it. The focus point should be totally solid and entirely 'fixed' where it is. No amount of mental manipulation should be able to move it.

Once the focus point is totally fixed, imagine reaching out with your arms and grabbing hold of the focus point (object). Remember, this WILL NOT MOVE. Now, try pulling the object towards you, gently at first, and then harder and harder. Gradually as you pull you will feel yourself moving towards the focus point (instead of vice versa). Finally you will find yourself at the focus point outside your physical body.

The Moving Anchor:

After reaching the relaxation state, imagine an object about 2 meters in front of your eyes (assuming that you are lying down). Once again, make this a familiar object. Now, feel this object pulling at you (like a magnet). Once you can see the object clearly in your minds eye, and feel the pull of the object on you, begin to move the object slowly towards you. Just a small amount at first (perhaps 15 to 30 cm), as the object moves towards you feel the pull getting stronger. Now move it back again (the pull gets weaker as you do). Now repeat the process 5 or 6 times moving the object closer each time and feeling the pull becoming stronger and stronger as the object comes closer.

Once you are comfortable with the movement of the object, begin the process again, only this time the movement of the object should be a fluid motion, and as the object moves back and forth it should be like a wave. You should also feel this wave on yourself as the pull gets stronger and weaker and stronger again. Finally, as the object virtually reaches you, the strength of the pulling force, combined with the wave like motion will simply pull you right out of your physical body.

Overcoming the 8 Fears of Astral Projection:

One of the most important reasons why people do not succeed in Astral Projection is because of fear. If you are afraid of the Astral world, let me assure you that you're not alone! Fear of the unseen and unknown is a quite natural emotion. When you overcome your fears, you will find a land of unlimited possibilities in front of you!
What do people fear?
Just the thought of separation from the physical body frightens many people. They feel something heinous is waiting for them... ready to pounce on them as soon as they Project!
Some feel they might not be able to return to their bodies. Others are afraid they might be harmed in some way as a result of Projection. And quite a few people feel their bodies might be possessed.
All the above are very common fears. But rest assured, NOTHING IS FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH! These FEARs are just in our minds and are nothing but all False Evidence Appearing Real! They can be very well be conquered.
1. Knowledge is powerful:
Most people who fear do not fully understand the nature of Astral Projection. Their fears can only be replaced by knowledge and understanding. You should read everything you can regarding OBE, and become familiar with all aspects of the experience. You should know what to expect during and after the exit out of body. Devour every bit of information you get on the topic. Knowledge never harmed anybody.
2. Action is more powerful than knowledge:
True, knowledge is powerful. But it should also be remembered that just theoretically reading all about dealing with fear doesn't help much. You see, there is no substitute for personal experience. We ultimately need to FACE our fears head-on!
To eliminate unreasonable fears, we have to go through the frightening activity and come out unscathed. In doing so, we can eliminate the fears that tend to cloud our progress in discovering our Astral reality.
3. You are the Creator:
The Astral Plane is a manifestation of our own thoughts. We are the creators. We can create whatever we want, both good and bad.
If we are convinced that a devil is out there and if we visualize it strongly enough, we should not be surprised to meet our creation! The devils we create become real and solid in the Astral dimension because we created them. If we meet any of our unwanted creations, it must be faced with courage! Since we are the creators, we can change the devil in to a cute and harmless puppy!
When we realize that we are the creators, we will find that our fears are only hollow threats that crumple into nothing.
So remember. There is nothing that can harm us while we are out of our body. If we have no fear, we won't meet fear. It's as simple as that.
4. You will always return to our body:
If you fear you might not be able to return to your body, think about this. We ALWAYS leave our body every night when we sleep. Have we ever "not" able to return? So why should we not return this time? We will get back to the body every time! Believe it or not, the problem with Projection is always staying out, never getting in! You can do everything in our power to NOT come back! But you WILL always come back, even if you don't want to!
5. You cannot be possessed:
You can never be possessed during Projection.
During OBE, a person's physical body and mind are in a very sensitive state and cannot be infiltrated or possessed. An energy field is produced during Projection that extends in all directions around the body. This is very sensitive and will cause a Projection to abort if something unfriendly penetrates this field.
Moreover, the Astral body and the Physical body are connected by an energy cord (called the Silver Cord) it is not possible for any entity to sever this cord and get inside the body. So we are quite safe during an OBE.
6. Don't fear the unknown:
To a certain degree this fear will always be with us. After even scores of Projections, there will be something unknown out there. But as I said, nothing can harm us and we are invulnerable in our Astral form. Our body has excellent defense mechanism to protect us during a projection. It's just our own fears that can harm us.
7. Use affirmations:
One very effective way to overcome any kind of fear is to immediately begin repeating a safety affirmation. Brief, positive statements like "I am protected and safe. No harm can come to me" are very effective.
As we repeat our affirmations, our fears will diminish and eventually disappear.
8. Project during the day:
A big part of Projection related fear stems from trying to OBE at night. At night, the world is dark, eerie and frightening. Hence trying Projection in the dark is a natural invitation to fear!
The best ways to overcome this is to practice Projecting during daytime. This will give you more confidence and make you achieve results faster. If you have to practice at night, you might consider switching on some dim lights before Projecting.

Symptoms of Astral Projection and What to do in the Astral Plane:

I think that this video will be a much better guide than me typing all this down :D

Part 1:

Part 2:

*BONUS*: I recommend a book, which is the best book so far about astral projection, it is called "Astral Projection - Amazing Journeys Outside Your Body" by Abhishek Agarwal

Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this and found it useful, feel free to comment. However, I am more active on my twitter account (you should really follow me @m_kamalooo =D) where I will be more than happy to answer all your questions =D
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